Sunday, 8 September 2013

5 Ways To Get Out Of The Doghouse

It is never fun, being sent to the doghouse but if you are in a relationship then it is almost a sure-thing that you will end up there eventually.  You might forget her birthday, perhaps you will miss an anniversary or get drunk and embarrassing at her sister's wedding, buy her a moustache waxer or comment on how good her mother looks in a bikini.

The reason won't matter, at some stage you are going to screw up and you'll end up in the doghouse.

So once you are there you will have time to think about your crimes and come up with the best way to get out of the doghouse and make your suffering as brief and painless as possible.

You'll have to put in a bit of effort, nothing that is good is ever easy but if you man up and admit that you were wrong you just might get back in her good books.

5. Have a conversation, and listen
When you start getting the cold shoulder you won't be out of the doghouse until she starts talking again.  Encourage her to get whatever is upsetting her, off her chest.  Don't just keep asking what is wrong, take a guess and even if your wrong it might help you ignite the conversation.  If she is not expecting it then it will be a pleasant surprise.

4. Try to make her laugh
This one won't always work, it will really depend on how much trouble you have gotten yourself into and has been know to increase doghouse time!  However it is a good way to get an indication of how mad she is and perhaps a little humour may defuse the situation.

3. Buy her flowers
Buying flowers for your lady is one of the tried and tested methods that have been used to get out of the doghouse by men for generations.  You need to get the timing right though, don't send them straight after you've screwed up, it might look like you're trying to buy your way out of the doghouse.  For maximum effect, wait until you have got one foot out of the doghouse and use it to seal the deal.  You could even send them to her work or office so she can revel in the attention from her workmates.

2. Cook her dinner
One of the most foolproof ways to get out of the doghouse is by surprising her with your culinary skills.  Even if she is raging mad eating can release pleasurable hormones in the brain and you might even get the chance to strike up a conversation.

1. Say "I'm Sorry"
In the end, nothing can beat a genuine apology. An honest "I'm Sorry" can work with any of the other ways to get out of the doghouse but just make sure you mean it.  Look her in the eye and admit that you were wrong or that your actions upset her.  Specify exactly what you are sorry for so you can be sure that she'll understand you.

Do you have any other good tips for getting out of the doghouse?  If so, leave a message in the comments, we'd love to hear from you.

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