Saturday 7 September 2013

10 Signs You’re in the Doghouse

The team over at Funny or Die have given us their list of Top 10 Signs You're In The Doghouse

1. She avoids making eye contact with you
2. She stops talking to you
3. She says everything's fine
4. She swears that "really, everything is fine"
5. She says you're "scaring her"
6. She says she "never wants to see you again"
7. She files a "restraining order" against you
8. She "marries someone else"
9. She pretends she "doesn't know who you are"
10. Your court-ordered psychiatrist says that “your entire relationship with the individual you insist on referring to as ‘your woman’ is an elaborate fantasy-turned-delusion that your subconscious created as a mechanism to avoid acknowledging the crushing disappointment of your real life.

Read all their reasons on the Funny or Die Website

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